About Us

The Junior Women's Club of Lake Murray

JWC of Lake Murray is a non-profit organization started in 2011 as an effort to involve local young women in the betterment of the Lake Murray area community.  Our membership is composed of women from throughout the Irmo, Lexington and Columbia area committed to both volunteer service and philanthropy.  Our members participate in volunteer activities with several local organizations as well as fundraising efforts to benefit local charities.  
Members participate in chapter meetings and club socials throughout the year to socialize, plan for club events, and learn more about ways to get involved in our community.

Our chapter meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at various locations around the Lake Murray area.  We do not meet in July, August or December.  

We welcome visitors at our monthly meetings and at our annual fall membership event.  Please contact us at JWCLakeMurray@gmail.com if you are interested in club membership.  

General Federation of Women's Clubs
On the international level, JWC of Lake Murray is affiliated with the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC).  The GFWC  is a unifying force, bringing together local women’s clubs, with members dedicated to strengthening their communities and enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. With 100,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members are community leaders who work locally to create global change by supporting the arts, preserving natural resources, advancing education, promoting healthy lifestyles, encouraging civic involvement, and working toward world peace and understanding.

Annually, GFWC members volunteer over 13 million hours and contribute approximately $35 million through more than 160 thousand club projects.  

Our parent organization on the state level is the General Federation of Women's Clubs of South Carolina (GFWC-SC).  


Junior Women's Club of Lake Murray
PO Box 441
Ballentine, SC 29002


Junior Pledge
I pledge my loyalty to the Junior Clubwomen,
By doing better than ever before what work I have to do.
By being prompt, honest, courteous,
By living each day, trying to accomplish something, not merely to exist.
-Helen Cheney Kimberly, 1916
The Junior Pledge was adopted in 1930 at the GFWC Convention. 

A Collect for Clubwomen 

Keep us, oh God, from pettiness;
let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding
And leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense
And meet each other face to face,
Without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment
and always generous.
Let us take time for all things;
make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses,
straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is
The little things that create differences,
That in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know
The great, common human heart of us all,
And, oh Lord God, let us forget not
To be kind!

-Mary Stewart, April 1941

Mary Stewart, a Colorado school principal, wrote the words to the Collect in 1904 as a personal daily prayer. Mary titled her poem “A Collect for Club Women” when it was first published because she felt it might have special appeal to clubwomen. According to Mary, “The first women’s organization to hear or use the Collect or to print it in its year books and biennial reports was the General Federation of Women’s Clubs.” Prior to her death in 1943, Mary Stewart’s own account of the history of the Collect was recorded. During GFWC President Dorothy Houghton’s administration (1950-1952), the American Home Department published Mary’s history along with an interpretation of the text and suggestions for using it in GFWC programs. *Historical information obtained from www.gfwcnc.org

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